Welcome to HiTS

A Big Ole TX Howdy.

Welcome:  This site is a work in progress and we welcome all thoughts and insights.

Hoofprints in the Sand is the realized dream of our Founder, Anne Van Dyke.  Anne has been a lifelong horsewoman, trainer, rider and horse owner.  Her faith and desire to share her knowledge of how horses can help and ultimately heal was the driving force behind her desire to create Hoofprints in the Sand.

As a result of Anne's vision, our number one purpose is to empower women survivors, first responders, and care givers, to build confidence through encouragement and support one hoofprint at a time.  For more information on our programs, simply click here.

Hoofprints in the Sand is located at the Brave Horse Center, in San Antonio Texas, and is situated on 14 acres, with undercover arenas and work areas, an extensive obstacle course, barns and turn-out areas.

We have an amazing herd of horses many of which have been hand picked by Anne.  We look for very specific attributes in the horses we bring into our therapeutic programs, and so we are extremely proud of the wonderful horses that make up the Hoofprints in the Sand herd.  To find out more about our horses, simply click here.

The Big Give ... Help us help women.  Horses help us to grow, heal and blossom.  My goal is to have enriching events for women of all ages to help build confidence and enlightenment. Your financial gift will make it possible for women of all walks to come to affordable retreats and group sessions to grow and share.  

 All funds will be used to bring teachers, coaches, and speakers to help guide us through the process of self-discovery and new found confidences.  

If you would like to become involved by assisting us to continue to grow Anne's amazing vision, or if you would like more information, we would love to hear from you.  Simply click the following link to contact us hitstx@earthlink.net


Testimonial from our client

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Testimonial from our client

This is just example text which you can replace by clicking to edit. You could talk about your business, tell people what makes you unique


Testimonial from our client

This is just example text which you can replace by clicking to edit. You could talk about your business, tell people what makes you unique


Want to know more?

Contact Us

We would love to hear from you.  To find out more about our programs, services and or volunteering at Hoofprints in the Sand, just click on the Contact Us button below.  

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