Glenda's Gals

Glenda's Gals is a diversional therapy program, that is designed for women living with breast cancer, currently receiving treatment for breast cancer and or breast cancer survivors.


The object of the program is to provide an interactive diversional therapy for women, in a safe, non-threatening, empathetic but empowering environment. 

For more information about Glenda's Gals, click here.

Wings of Hope

Wings of Hope is HiTS way of giving back to the amazing animals that have given so much to us all over the course of our time as horse-people.

Our program is named for the first horse we had in this program, the beautiful Hope.  Hope has been adopted and is now in a loving home where she will continue to thrive and be cared for.

For more information about Wings of Hope, click here.

Cowgirl Credo

Our Cowgirl Credo program is open to any and all women.  We work with the HiTS team of horses as well as various qualified professionals, using horsemanship to build confidence.

Setting goals and achieving them through purposeful work with equines.

For more information about Cowgirl Credo, click here.

Horse Accommodation

We provide emergency horse accommodation for women who are horse owners.

Often, for any number of reasons, women may need to leave their current living arrangements and require accommodation for their horse / horses.

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