About Us

Hoofprints in the Sand is the realized dream of our Founder, Anne Van Dyke.  Anne has been a lifelong horsewoman, trainer, rider and horse owner.  Her faith and desire to share her knowledge of how horses can help and ultimately heal was the driving force behind her desire to create Hoofprints in the Sand.    

Ann's main desire was to share her knowledge and journey with women from all walks of life who are on their own journey;  most importantly through dedicated programs that deal with issues that currently are and those that are becoming more widespread in our community.  As a result of this, Anne developed the Glenda's Gals Program and the Wings of Hope Program.  These are the cornerstone programs at Hoofprints in the Sand and our vision is to see these programs help as many women as we can through them.

Following the adage that it takes a village, we have a team of volunteers that assist with our programs, herd and tasks at HiTS.  Our team members and volunteers are the very backbone of HiTS and we simply could not exist without them;  these amazing group share Anne's vision and our passion for the HiTS programs, horses and our clients and we are incredibly thankful for the skills, belief and enthusiasm that they bring.  Additionally, we are blessed to have a dedicated and proactive Board of Directors at Hoofprints in the Sand.   Our Board meets monthly and works closely with Anne and her team to see that we continue to grow, thrive and provide effective programs and services.

HiTS is proud of our accomplishments to date, including: 

  • We have a facility that allows us to see the programs we run do so without interruption or compromise.  The Brave Horse Center in San Antonio Texas is the home base of Hoofprints in the              Sand, here we have 14acres of land that is made up of a covered arena, a round pen, multiple barns and stalls, turn out pens and pastures as well as a 4 acres of obstacle course.

  • We have established our initial Herd of HiTS Horses and this herd will continue to grow.

  • We have a dedicated team that works to see HiTS continue to thrive and succeed.

As we move forward into the future, HiTS intends to continue to grow our existing programs and services, as well as further develop the facilities at Brave Horse Center.  We also have plans for a number of new programs and services as well as bringing in respected professionals to work along side us and our clients; we will be continuing to bring visiting horse trainers to provide clinics to riders and spectators; and we intend to develop a documentary about the HiTS programs and herd.  We certainly have exciting times ahead, join HiTS and come along for the ride!  

Hoofprints in the Sand ... Empowering women to build confidence through encouragement and support one hoofprint at a time

The HiTS Team

Anne Van Dyke

Founder and CEO

Jennifer Kuhn

Barn and Horse Manager

Leah Rader


Icon Place Holder


Join Us

If you would like to become involved with HiTS, there are a number of ways you can do so.  Click here to contact us via email, let us know how you would like to become involved and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.  We appreciate any and all help.

Alternatively, if you would like information on our upcoming clinics and events, you can click here.